Course Listing


Methods in Stem Cell Engineering

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Grade – 9th to 12th


Course Information
Age 15-18
Format/ Schedule Vacation / Winter
Location Torrance, CA
2025 Dates Winter: Dec 27th, Dec 28th, Dec 29th, Dec 30th.
Duration 4 x 3.5 Hour Sessions
Times 10am – 1.30pm
Class size 6
Eligibility Methods in Stem Cell Engineering is an introductory hands-on program, open to both residential and international students.  It is suited to science enthusiasts with a basic understanding of cell and molecular biology.  No prior laboratory experience is required to take this course.  Applicants must have passed high-school Math, English and Biology or equivalent courses with a grade C or above. Students are required to arrange their own transportation to and from the program.
Admission Eligible students are accepted on a first-come-first-served rolling basis up to 1 week before the course start date. Additional questions? Click here to learn more about our general admissions policy or call us at 310-483-3651.
Course Details

Methods in Stem Cell Engineering is an introductory course aimed at students who are interested in molecular biology and genetic engineering.

Participants learn to inhibit the expression of an oncogene in testicular cancer stem cells using a gene silencing technique called RNA Interference (RNAi).

The program expands on high school biology courses and is taught entirely hands-on in a biotech research facility by professional scientists who are also exceptional mentors.

The Program provides:
– Advanced training in real-life techniques for designing, implementing, and analyzing RNAi experiments.

– A bioinformatics computer lab and introduction to siRNA design software.

– Practical experience culturing, electroporating and genetically engineering human cancer stem cells.

– College-level lectures that provide a conceptual overview of the lab-classes.

– An introduction to the real-world applications of RNAi gene silencing technologies.

– Exposure to biotechnology and real-world science.

– Applicable skills and knowledge for future STEM programs such as AP biology, science fair research, college lab classes and workplace internships.

– An opportunity to connect with other science enthusiasts.

– A certificate of completion.

– A resource pack containing guidance and information relating to STEM careers.

Students with a keen interest in molecular biology and genetic engineering can expand their knowledge and gain complementary skills during the Molecular Stem Cell Biology Program.


Methods in Stem Cell Engineering covers the following topics:

Session 1: Intro to cells, stem cells and RNAi gene silencing
Session 2: Working with stem cells in the lab
Session 3: RNAi mediated gene silencing techniques
Session 4: Analysis and application of gene silencing


– College-level lectures
– Hands-on lab classes
– Bioinformatics / computer labs
– Advanced laboratory research techniques*
– Networking with professional science mentors
– Career education resources
– Biotech exposure

*Methods in Stem Cell Engineering provides practical training in: BSL-2 lab safety procedures, aseptic technique, electroporation, RNAi mediated gene knockdown, antibody labeling and microscopy (phase contrast and fluorescent).

Reviews (1)

1 review for Methods in Stem Cell Engineering

  1. Colette Lee

    Pathways to Stem Cell Science has been a very enjoyable learning experience. For the first time, I was able to become familiar with laboratory equipment and techniques that was not provided for me in school. On top of learning much more about RNAi and gene silencing, I realized that I genuinely enjoy working in the lab; this experienced has greatly contributed to my newfound interest in biomedical engineering.

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