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Pre-K/Elementary: In the early years, bioscience education may be lacking entirely, or present simplistic notions of science that fail to excite young students.
Consequence: Students fail to develop a basic interest in bioscience subjects.
Middle School: In middle school, traditional bioscience education may lack the real-world context, hands-on engagement and early career information needed to inspire budding scientists.
Consequence: Students lose interest in bioscience education and discount bioscience careers.
High School: In high school, bioscience education typically lacks the real-world exposure, advanced practical skills and career education students need to plan for college and future employment.
Consequence: Students are not equipped to compete for work place internships or select college programs based on viable career paths.
College: In college, traditional bioscience education programs typically emphasize theoretical learning over the work-based training, career education and professional experiences students need to transition out of college into paid work.
Consequence: Students without a plan to translate their education into a career often linger unnecessarily in postsecondary education, accumulating student debt while missing/postponing opportunities for professional development and promotions. Financial anxiety and personal stress can affect students into adulthood, even after they graduate from college and become professional scientists.
At pathways to Stem Cell Science, we’re working to address bioscience skill gaps by providing exciting real-world science programs, hands-on training, and career development resources. Our programs are taught in a biotech research laboratory by professional scientists who are also exceptional teachers and mentors.